Animation Academy
September 22, 2018 - December 31, 2018 The Animation Academy explores the unique world of animation, from traditional hand-drawn cels to exciting breakthroughs in stop-motion and...
September 22, 2018 - December 31, 2018 The Animation Academy explores the unique world of animation, from traditional hand-drawn cels to exciting breakthroughs in stop-motion and...
We will be OPEN from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. General Admission applies for non-members. Pricing for non-members, members, and military can all be found by clicking here.
Included in General Admission for non-members. Free for Exploreum Members. Takes place in the Wharf of Wonders and is for little scientists six years old and younger. Wednesday, November...
Included in General Admission for non-members. Free for Exploreum Members. Takes place in the Wharf of Wonders and is for little scientists six years old and younger. Wednesday, November...
We will be OPEN on this particular Monday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. due to the holiday closing on Thursday. General Admission applies for non-members. Pricing for non-members, members,...
We will be closed Thanksgiving Day. We will reopen on Friday and resume our normal hours. General Admission applies for non-members. Pricing for non-members, members, and military can all be found...
“Mars is on the frontier of planetary and future human exploration for the great red planet. On November 26th, 2018, the Mars Insight Lander will be arriving for the final...
Included in General Admission for non-members. Free for Exploreum Members. Takes place in the Wharf of Wonders and is for little scientists six years old and younger. Wednesday, November...
Included in General Admission for non-members. Free for Exploreum Members. Takes place in the Wharf of Wonders and is for little scientists six years old and younger. Wednesday, November...
Included in General Admission for non-members. Free for Exploreum Members. Takes place in the Wharf of Wonders and is for little scientists six years old and younger. Wednesday, November...
Included in General Admission for non-members. Free for Exploreum Members. Takes place in the Wharf of Wonders and is for little scientists six years old and younger. Wednesday,...