What are you afraid of? Snakes?
Thunder? Spiders? Cotton balls?
Everyone is afraid of something and we all have different thresholds for what frightens us. But, no matter what it is that scares us, there’s one thing we know for sure, FEAR causes our bodies to react in extreme ways — hearts pound, palms sweat, muscles freeze and knees shake.
Fear: the Science of Phobias explores the science behind our greatest fears. Through hands-on opportunities, an exciting array of science based programming and regularly scheduled performances at our FEAR stage, visitors will have the chance to face and maybe even conquer some of their greatest phobias…
Closed Sundays and Mondays
Open Tuesday-Saturday
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Hours subject to change. Please call ahead to confirm specific times. Box Office: 1-251-776-4558